South Africa Tourist Information: General
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South Africa Tourist Information: General

South African Time 

GMT +2
Central-European Winter Time +1
Eastern-Standard Winter Time +7


Power: 220/230 volts AC
Plug points: 15-amp, round pin, threepoint (European plugs require additional adaptor plugs).
Many hotels have 100-volt outlets for electric shavers

Important Numbers

Cape Town Routes Unlimited Call Centre:

+27 (0) 21 426 5639

Safety & security emergency: 10111

General emergencies: 107
Consumer-related problems: 0800 007 081
Computicket (National booking service for event, theatre, cinema and bus tickets): +27 (0) 83 915 8000 /
Automobile Association: +27 (0) 83 843 22


Many establishments are accessible to people with disabilities. On our accommodation pages check the On Site Features of establishment listings.

The national carrier (South African Airways) has Passenger Aid Units (PAU) at all major airports, and most car-rental companies offer hand-control vehicles (vehicles must be reserved in advance).


Remove anything (e.g. plants, animals and rocks), harm plants and animals, or feed any animals.
Be within 300m of a whale or dolphin.
Fish without a permit.
Light a fire elsewhere than in designated areas.

NOTE: Throw away cigarette butts in appropriate bins or ashtrays only. Many destructive veld fires in South Africa are caused by cigarettes.


1km = 0.6214 miles
1 mile = 1.6214km
10°C = 50°F
20°C = 68°F
30°C = 86°F


Malaria precautions are not necessary. Cholera and smallpox vaccinations are not necessary.

If arriving from a yellow-fever zone, a valid international inoculation certificate is required.

There is no national health scheme. Travel insurance is recommended to cover medical expenses.


The climate is generally Mediterranean, with warm, dry summers and mild, moist winters, except in the semi-desert Karoo region, which has dry winters and low summer rainfall.

Up-to-date weather forecasts: or +27 (0) 82 233 9900 (Cape Town Weather Office)

It is essential to protect yourself against the sun, as it is very strong in South Africa:

Always wear a wide-spectrum sunblock of SPF30+.
Wear a hat and cover your shoulders.
Stay out of the sun between 10h00 and 16h00.


Recreational activities are regulated within national park in order to minimise environmental damage.

Using Alcohol

In the Western Cape, shops do not sell alcohol on Sundays (apart from a few shops with special licences). Restaurants and bars do sell drinks.

It is illegal to drink in public spaces, or to drive while under the influence of alcohol. The legal blood alcohol limit in South Africa is 0,05g per 100ml of blood.

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