Chainstay - Mountain Biking Destination Network

The Mountain Biking Destination Network


The lifestyle you deserve...

Creating dedicated mountain biking accommodation destinations

The MTB industry is showing rapid growth. Breaking away on a weekend of mountain biking with friends or family has become a lifestyle choice for many. Despite being a well-established concept in many other countries, there are limited dedicated full-service mountain biking accommodation destinations in South Africa. Chainstay is creating a first-to-market (early mover) opportunity.

Developing a national mountain bike destination brand

Existing resorts and accommodation destinations that offer the best of South African coastal, inland, mountain and forest experiences will be tied up. These destinations will resort under the national Chainstay brand and provide a set of standard mountain biking services and facilities. They remain owner-operated. The emphasis is on creating a diverse range of experiences for the novice to the seasoned mountain biker and for families.

What services and facilities will be offered?

  • On-site medical support
  • Bike shop with parts & components
  • On-site bike mechanical support (train local worker as mechanic)
  • High-pressure
  • Diverse MTB trail experiences
  • Eco-friendly focus
  • Diverse accommodation experiences (tent to luxury accommodation)
  • Child-care facilities

Contact details: Fred Brown T: 071 149 6498 E-mail:

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